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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
I'm so so so tired.Slept for 1 n a half hrs! last night.Have a fun night life yesterday.Went to celebrate cousin's early bday for him.Went cineleisure to watch brother bear.It's really a great show.To make things easier.. i shall mention my cousin names.The bday boy is yew wei aka wei wei,Arthur n Teck Lu or simply Lu.Lu hates cartoons n she kept saying that she'll fall asleep if she watched it, n guess what, she cried in a particular scene.I admit that i cried too, therefore, i looked around then to c whether any other people cry with me.Haha.Glad to know that i'm not the only one.Hee~. Went Arcade play the dunno what hit e ball ball thingy n then score thingy.HeE~.For 4 person to play one.Hee`.I was pairing up with Lu, n am i sad or what.. my hand swell thanks to her.She practically hit me when aiming the ball, n even slammed the thingy she holds, on my hand.I was ouching away~..argh~.Hmm.. think it's until yesterday that i knew she's so so so so damn rough, but it's okay.. since she's so pretty.Envy wor~... Went to play pool for e second time of my whole life at Bukit Timah,near Lu house.I was so so lousy,n Arthur looks over at our side to c e way we played,n gave us some tips, since Lu n i are still beginner.Hmm.. it's been so long since i hanged out with them, since i was always busy with school work that i don't bother going out with them at all.I am the oldest among them, but sadly, not the highest.N for yesterday's game, i ranked the last.Weep~.But i'm kinda glad that i did improve.Might get addicted to pool wor. After such long long day.. we went to eat roti prata at a nearby 24 hrs stall.There's weird prata like cheese prata n got mushroom one.It's not really ex..Kinda glad.We walked back to Lu house after that.We walked frm bukit timah to upper bukit timah.We sang along the way.Hee~.Arthur n Wei were from HKSS too, so we sang our sch song.Hehe.Then Lu is in the same pri sch-phpps as me, so we sang our pri sch song.Hee~..It's kinda fun reciting the chinese pledge with her.I'm so so proud of myself that i still remember the pledge after so many years.Hee~.We sang n sang like no bodies business.Hee`.We even imitate some scene from brother bear like, playing the I-SPY game.Hehe.It's fun even when we walked home. After such a long long day.. me n wei were still wide awake.We slept at e study room on the floor, n we were chatting away, disturbing Arthur n Lu.Hehe.They ended up chatting with us at times.Hee~.I kept coming up with topics that they'll be interested to talk about.. n at the same time, let me understand my Dearie Cousins!.They opened up n were willing to talk about their love life, their crushes n blar blar blar.Hmm...through this chatting. i found that my cousins have grown up.They have started to like some girl.Btw,they refer to e guys around as Lu got a huge numbers of admirer.Younger guys in the family are shyer.. n at times.. don't dare to do much initiative.They came to a stage that they are extremely good with a girl, but then, they dare not ask the crucial question.They came to a stage that they call girls to chat.. n that have became a daily routine.Hmm.. i'm kinda shocked when i heard them talking about their crushes, as somehow.. i always regarded them as xiao didi.They've grown up! Have a real great day yesterday!Lu's mum gave us $20 each, n that pays off e amount for what i've spent yesterday.Hee~.Got a breakfast treat too.It's been kinda long since i have such a great time.It's "FUNNER" than prom! ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() fInaLlY~~ nEw bLoG uPdAtE~~ |