
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Shall finally update on my wkend on Brussel on 30th June 2006

It was the first time we travel out of the country of France. Hohoho. The first country we came to is Brussel in Belgium. First stop was to see the famous "Manneken Pis". It was actually a statue of a little boy peeing.. Tsk tsk. And then, on the way though, we found quite a number of tintin painted walls. This is one of them.

second up, we went to... eh.. what is that called? eh... some circle place.. haha. forgot e name. But it's V V pretty. hohoho..

Then, time for dinner. I ate some er xin dinner i prepared. THink it's crossiant. Argh. But i got to try avanti n shirley's dinner at a restaurant. And, at e restaurant, we saw a HUNK. nice ass (quoted frm avanti)!hohoho.

Then, off to get e famous chocolates. Bought e first box for flat face n joel from this shop:

And last but not least, e hostel we stayed in.. 20.6 euro. Hmm.. ok lar. 4 person per room, and a toilet without toilet bowl in e room. Nice..

Enjoyed myself there. E next day.. we set off for Bruggs..

That's another story to be told another day..

8/08/2006 11:26:00 AM|