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Monday, December 22, 2003
SMI=siemen medical instrument private limited.Hmm.. that's e topic of the day ba.Kinda feel like comparing the two jobs.I worked in seiyu last year during the holiday, n i remembered how tough i have to handle my holiday assignments when i was working back then.The pay sucks.It's only $4.20 per hour.. n i have to work on e weekend.I wonder how i manage to get through it.Anyway, i quitted early as i needed time to complete my holiday assignment.The money made were spend on my current phone.. It's e first batch of phone-N7250.I bought it without any line, so there goes my whole saving.I'm going out of point once again.Back to my comparison. SMI pay is much better.Saturday is regarded as OT, which is 1.5 rate, while Sunday is regarded as double pay.E original price they paid to temporary staff is $6.80 per hr, but i get only $5 per hour as i got the job through the agency.My pay is almost $6.80 as i am supposed to work on the night shift.Currently i'm still having the training, which is in the normal office hour. For Seiyu job, i worked as a cashier.Everyday after work, all the cashiers have to go to a room to tally up e amount collected with e computer.It's always the most scary time as everyone would get to know whether they give more money back to e customers.Everyone was always held back at work, n no extra pay was given.There's also a security check at e staff door.Worse of all, when it's nearing to christmas, they extend the working hours, n poor staff have to stay back n it's not considered as OT.Argh~~ For SMI, it's considered OT as long as u stay back longer than the ya normal working hours.There's even factory bus to bring the staff to e MRT station.Usually after work, it meant after work.. n nothing else.When e staff hear e bell, they just leave the room to get their stuff.It's as simple as that.No security check.No nothing!There's even a canteen for siemen's staff to eat their food.It's bright n there's more than enough seats for those having their breaks.Gd gd wor~ To conclude, i kinda am glad that i got this job.Other than the working hours, nothing bothers me much.Alot of people told me that i'll become old easily if i work night shift, but i guess i don't have a choice now.Guess i'll try my best to have enough sleep when i get home from work.Wish me luck~.night shift starts next week i think.Scary~~.Btw, for e update of my work, feel free to read my FOD. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() a tRiP oUt wItH MAMA~~ filiaL??~~ mY wOndErFuL dAd~~ i'M nOt aLoNe fOr e mOmEnT lE~~ fIrSt 2 dAyS oF wOrK~~ i'Ve gOt jOb~~ sMaLl cHaNgEs~~ cOmPuTeR=mY bF~~ nO cHoIcE~~ tIrInG~~ |