evaluation 1

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Self evaluation could reap rewards. Knowing own mistakes and trying best to refrain from same mistake.

Evaluation 1.

French Level 2: Dead. I deserve it. In class, i paid attention, but lack of interest kept me far far away from everyone's standard. Being the lousiest in class, i still wish to pass. Just wished for a D.

Signal And System: Alive, but dare not hope for high score. It's an easy paper with most answers being able to obtain from question paper. But, some mistakes here and there. Furthermore, CA result not gd. Sincerely hate to just pass.

Technical Communication: Studied on Sunday. Make marking on books and highlight notes. B4 that, book not flipped. Exam time, refer closely to tb, and even copied sentence from the example there. Finished, but no checking done. Did not bother much about that paper.

Circuit Analysis: Half of the module taught by my favourite teacher, GOEL~! So, have to love the subject. Expected very high from it. Paper not VERY difficult, but there's DIFFICULT values. Values that are damn big or damn small. Stopped at many parts. Only 1 fully done question among 4. Did one wrong question, marks flew, regrets~! Sigh.

2 more papers to go. Circuit paper was today. So, off day from study. Finished watching Bleach till 57. Downloading 58. Clearing laptop spaces. 6GB left. Many more epi to go for Prince of Tennis. 5 more days to next paper. Notes made, but example not yet done. Pray hard all would go well. No take away, and no all C's score. That's all folks~!

One week to the end of Exam. 12 more days to French Intensive Course. Pray hard that there'll be a vacation overseas.

11/16/2005 03:39:00 PM|