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Friday, January 02, 2004
Does Forever Friend exist at all. Friend as in not only normal or close friends, friend as in boy/girl friend. A couples could be together for years, but could suddenly break up within days, maybe not even knowing the reason y they break off. Girls or guys handle break up well? Guess it's guy. They seem to be able to get over it without feeling hurt. Maybe it's wrong to say that. Maybe it's just that guys don't usually show out their inner feelings. Break-up could hurt the girl deeply. Girls are more vulnerable. Hmm... kinda remembered that when my ex broke up with me for the first time, I cried for days, n i did not eat n sleep well for 3 to 4 days. I tried to hide my sadness at times, but i could not really hide what i truly feel. I felt the pain then. Guess guys are always the stronger one. In term of physical strength n inhiding their feelings. Guess y all of a sudden i mentioned that? I went out with Qianni to visit Jun at work, n at the same time to eat dinner with her. As Qianni n I walked around Suntec, waiting for Jun to knock off from work, I saw my secondary school friend, XinYun, or should I say, she saw me. She became so "boney" yet as beautiful as ever. I mentioned her slimness n she added that her bf broke off with her le ma. Erm.. n she's smiling when she said that. I was impressed, by the way she pull through. Wonder whether she truly got over her bf, or is she just trying her best to look normal in front of everyone? Maybe she find that there's no point in crying. At times, I wonder y break up is so tough. Years of relationship gone so kinda sad? Guess crying can make sad people feel better. My view on break-up: What's gone is gone.. There's no point in holding on. I don't really believe in "fated to only be with ONE guy/girl". Years after, when u start another relationship, n u think back of the time when u broke up with ur previous bf/gf, u'll find yourself stupid to cry so long for one guy/girl.Be positive, n stay happy, n that's what important in life! ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() eAsY to pLeAsE~~ lAst dAy oF e yR~~ nIgHt sHiFt tOdAy~~ nEw lAyOuT~~ tOuGh to bE pArEnTs~~ bReAkIng e iCe~~ bAcKsTaB~~ seiyu vs SMI~~ a tRiP oUt wItH MAMA~~ filiaL??~~ |