quiet day~~

Thursday, December 30, 2004

We live in a busy word, living our busy life, n making ourself busy. A free day at home is seldom as life outside HOME is freedom. E stuff to do at home, r all but boring. It's either com, tv, radio or bed. Who would love to spend their off day at home?

I do. Hee. Since the day i started working, i've been out most of my days because my work is 6 days week. I have to work on the weekend, and my off day is so valuable to me that i seldom spent it at home. I would usually used my off to spend it with friends, and to go some place other than home. Working hours to me is until 9 plus or 10 plus, so, my only free time is after work.

For today, actually i was supposed to go out, but i opt out. I needed to be home so that dad can test drive me again, as he officially let me drive out on my own frm Jan onwards. I wanted to be home to rest. I wanted to sleep until late late hours. I wanted to laze around at home for once. I wanted to read my "teens study bible" (Given by the church on my baptism day. Anyway, e bible cover wrote, 'suitable for teens aged 12-15.Do i look 15 or am i immatured?Hee). There's a lot of things i can get when i stayed home.. so i disappointed my friend, and break my promise again, just for the sake of staying home.

Home is the best place u recuperate for a better tomorrow!

12/30/2004 05:41:00 PM|