
Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Love is a two-sided matter. It's complicated and it's hard to understand. Love includes a special feeling. A special feeling which is hard to explain.

Here i am .. going lovey dovey again. This topic kinda hit me again and again for months. I have been trying to sort out my feelings...

Sigh... i nv experience the kind of Special Feelings before. I remembered watching The Princess Diary 1 & 2, both of it states the kind of action the princess would do when the special feeling exist during a kiss. She'll lift up her leg. Other than that, i've watched in movies,the kind of feelings they get when they found the right "wrong" one.

At the age of 19, if there is a relationship, most of would go for the one they can see their future with. That person must be able to give them that special feeling, so that "getting tired of that person" won't come into the picture, and that relationship can last longer.

Is it really no point in hanging on to a relationship without purpose and doing things you don't like. It's like.. is it worth it to change yourself for someone else. What is the thing that brings a couple together? Can any couple help me with my queries? Thanks.

11/24/2004 07:15:00 PM|