
Saturday, March 04, 2006

God brought 2 v brief person to my life, to leave a message that motivate me.

Joined thingy a few months ago... with the intention of finding someone... for my dearest, most precious darling, Laffy. Specifically... 2 guys somehow did some impact in my current life.

One is a guy i just added in msn, but we seldom chat. Think we only chatted once. A guy from NUS school of computing. Hmm.. that was the course i was given by NUS back then.. haha.. glad i did not choose that though cos i'm not that gd in com. Hehe. heard from him that that course has alot of assignments and projects to do one. Like so tough. And i hate presentation. Phew...

Anyway... back to main pt. He was always on "busy" mode, and me, having a curious character, asked him. THen he said he was busy with studying. He spent alot of time studying, because of the honors.. He wanted to maintain in e honor list... and he really pia alot. He did not take part in sch stuff.. and he seems to study e whole time. Sounds boring.. But what strike me is this... he said he studied so hard because he enjoyed his course, and thus, that makes working hard seems more fun. He chose e course not because of e prospects, but his interest. He went into the course without any background. He love what he's doing, so at least studying seems fun.

Would i ever be like that? I wanted a good degree too. I wanted to like my course. But somehow, i think i do like my course. Studying is not really that bad. When u've understood something, it really.. really ... is a great feeling. Circuit is tough, but it's fun n logical. Digital is logical and actually interesting. Semiconductor looks alive, but should be manageable. Maths wise, ok cause i took some part of it before in JC. So.. that accounts for all my core this sem.

Then, after thinking through all n all he said in just one conversation, i found that i must really start studying. Then, i found my appropriate time of studying. If i study at night, i am able to stay awake until 3-4am... I could accomplished my work and there's no distraction. Nice. Also find that i must sleep lesser hours. Think 4 hours max should be enough. I CAN DO IT ONE~!

Another guy that impact my life is that guy i met for dog walking. Chatted with him online lately again.. Normal stuff. Bout dogs and then exercising. He gave me some inspiration... for my 21st bday celeb. I wanted to celebrate my bday with Laffy. I wanted to involve her too. I wanted her to enjoy her day... Hmm.. so thought of maybe holding it somewhere near beach, and inviting friends together with their dogs.. praying hard they would bring though. Wonder whether Laffy would be able to swim. hehe.

We continued to chat and he, being a rather fit person, taught me some "lazy-people" exercise tip... at least it's done indoor. haha. He told me i could try doing 20sit up, and 20 half sit up per hr. Just do 10 sets, n that should be enough. Everyday. Hmm... if i used that during my night study, i could keep fit and stay awake. One stone kill 2 bird. Yea.. found that my diet had shrank too. Ate 2 meal or less lately. Always waiting for dinner in e morning. hehe.. cos house no food.

Eat less, interval exercise, more time awake... This time.. i must be able to slim down le.. hohohoho...

Ok.. to end it all, i shall present e main reason y i have a messy room... Many books and notes and too little spaces.

A sense of accomplishment is something that is priceless and yearned for.

3/04/2006 06:09:00 PM|