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Thursday, January 29, 2004
I know this is gonna sound boring, but somehow, i just got an urge to analyse my own character, so here goes.... Curious, i always am. In work, i cant help wondering how the hell the machine works. I'm puzzled by how computer present colors, how machine moves, how e inside of a computer looks like, n a lot more how. I cant really figure it out, N of course, I'm too lazy to borrow books to read, so instead, i prefer to ask. In my work place, when i got curious a bout how some machines work, n y the hell a particular machine exist, i'll ask the technician, as he should know EVERYTHING as he has to fix them when it breaks down. Y would i out-of-e-blue learn html or web design stuff?? Because i'm curious to know how those codes work N how to go about using them. Somehow, i got attracted to this web design thing-y not long ago after having an online diary. Curiousity get me to that. Hyper-active! I once questioned myself whether do i act so actively or am i always that active deep down inside. The answer i get, NO pretence!! I am indeed very hyper. It's not genes N it's definitely NOT to get attention. I just don't know y i am. A bully! Yes, i admit i am one. Bully not as in bully those smaller in size than me. Bully as in like to pick up fights! Who's my target? Mostly teachers, guy teachers especially, n any guys!! Hee~.. As long as a guy won't get angry easily, he can be my target. Wahaha. Am i bad? Nope. Btw, my definition of fight is to hit n run. Hee~. So far, some guys i had hitted did not retaliate, but some guy gradually learn to "defend". Argh~.. My moves seem to be easy to defend. Hmm.. i should think of some new skills soon. The technician at my work place somehow know how to escape my punches within weeks only. Sigh~. When i am with my church friends, they are always on defensive mode. Haha. Hate it when the stupid kw, a church friend, use his nail to "revenge". I hate him for LIFE. It's painful u know? hehe. Hmm.. guess that is what my victims say ALWAYS! hehe. Guess i'm too playful. But it's really hard to control, ya know? *finding reasons for myself* Quiet. I would be.. when i am thinking of something. I am someone that can "choose what i think" instead of "letting my thoughts rule over me". Somehow, when i'm happy for too long, i'll choose to be moody. Weird? But that's true! It's boring to stay happy everytime, ya know? "Happy thoughts lift u up!"- extract from Peter Pan on 'how to fly'. I don't usually get real sad about one guy or over some relationship stuff. If i got nothing better to do, i'll try to picture any guy giving me a hug. Stupid? I know that. I am a happy-go-lucky person. Btw, my hinting failed utterly! No reply meant remain as friend! Did i get sad over it? Nah~! Did i think about that? I did.. n i laugh at myself. I thought about this relationship thingy during work, n somehow, i laughed at myself, for no reason. Changing sex? I'm constantly thinking about that. I've got the figure of a guy, N i should be a guy. When i was in my mama's womb, everyone thought that my mama gonna give birth to a son once again, but sadly, a girl came out. In secondary school, when i saw every other girls starting their period, i started to question myself whether i am a female or not. Sadly, I am a female. How unlucky that is! I would rather be a guy who have to attend NS, who can train until got a lot of muscles, who can woo girls N who can easily have fun with lots n lots of guys!! Guys are much better. I always like to look at guys clothes, as i rarely found any size from the ladies section that could fit me. Btw, i have BIG FOOT too. I cant find my shoe size when i wanted to get one ladies shoe. Even when i buy sport shoe, many a times, i cant find my size, n i have to resort to buying guy's shoe. I should be a guy! N most importantly, i don't behave like a lady at all, so i can expect to be single for e rest of my life, which most probably meant till 28yrs old as i want to die EARLY! Dying early. That is my dream! Y?? It's not because i think life is meaningless. It's because i don't want to witness death. I don't want to witness getting old n unwanted too, so i would rather die early, but first, i want to earn lots n lots of money to go tour the world n c those wonderful scenery in every part of the world. I want to live overseas for sometime. I want to live in a peaceful greenland where there's no stupid neighbour blasting their hi-fi, stupid motor bike that zoom by loudly, N stupid buildings i saw when i look out of my window. Wish i'll have some money left for my parents!! Hee~. Love of my life!It's my dog, Laffy. I love her, she licks me. Argh~. She licks everyone she sees. She's my darling, but sadly, i'm lazy to care for her. Hee~. I seldom bring her for a walk, seldom clean her waste for her, seldom bathe her N seldom feed her. What a bad owner i am! Guess i should bring her for a walk later. I thought of buying treats for her, but i always forgot about that when i pass by pet shop. Argh~.. Y do i mention my dog? As it reflects my character. My parents always use her to get me to do stuff, n sometimes, SOMETIMES ONLY, they succeeded. They always threaten to give the dog away. That is what they did to my another dog which was found n given to us. Now, this dog solely belong to me, but i am only not lazy to play with it. Btw, my friend should know, my dog resembles me. She's hyper! She cant stop jumping n licking when people past by. She's noisy, or rather nosy. When my neighbour go home, she'll bark N sometimes HOWL. Bad dog! Okay.. that should cover most of my boring character. Overall, I'm not a good person. Ah.. some other bad points. I am stupid, irritating, non-creative, lousy in all that i do N a money minded person! That should round it all up. Those that managed to finish reading, congratulation on reading a senseless posting. HeE~. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() iN lUv oR nOt? mAtUrItY~~ oRiGiNaLiTy~~ nEw lAyOut~~ slimMiNg pRoDuCts~~ uPdAtE oN mY LifE~~ nV gRoW uP~~ bEwArE oF e gOLd mOuTh~~ bUs dRiVeR~~ fAkE fRoNt~~ |