
Friday, March 26, 2004

I love reading, especially books by Danielle Steel. As i cant really set aside time to read, my only reading are when i'm walking or on e bus. I've started walking n reading at the same time lately once again. Hmm.. what cause me to write this entry was, my bus-trip home today. I managed to find a seat, n i started reading after i settled down. The scenes changes as i read, from happy jealousy moment, to e death of e main character brother. I was grinning at one moment, n shrugging at e next. Hmm.. as i continued to read, i started to think how others view me as when i am smiling to myself. I guess it'll be the same as , laughing when listening to those funny morning radio shows on the bus.

Last year, when PJC moved to the new campus, i have to take 3 buses to go to school, therefore, dad promised to bring me to school everyday except on wednesday. I have to make my way to school then. I remembered once, when i boarded the bus Olive took (i knew she was in it), she hurried me to sit with her. Y? So that she could really laugh out. We were both tuning in to the perfect10, n the jokes shared by the DJ were really funny, n it'll be kinda weird to laugh alone. People would be thinking, "R all the people from that sch mad? Or r they too stress? Y are they laughing to themselves."

Actually, there's advantage of reading in a bus too. Hehe.. u can peep at someone without him or her knowing it. At times, i even tried to listen to youngster's conversation. Hee. No denial about the fact that i'm a nosy person. So.. if u're got nothing better to do your way home, read.. n noticed good looking people at the same time. Hee~.

3/26/2004 08:58:00 PM|