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Saturday, March 06, 2004
Humans are always never satisfy with what they have. They always want more of something when they have it. That's me for today~! Today was the release of the 'GCE 'A' lvl result. Before getting my result, i was praying that i'll pass my GP. I knew i'll be able to get into uni once i pass that stupid general paper. When i got my result, i was glad about my GP grade, as i got a borderline pass. It's better than nothing. After looking through at the rest of my result, i was dumbfolded. It's not cause i do especially well, instead, it's because i fail to attain the result i dream n am capable of attaining. Since sec 1, i have been getting A1 n A's for my maths throughout my secondary n jc life, n now... argh.. I got a B for my further mathematics. I never got that grade in any of my test n exams paper. Y do i get that grade? Because i miss out one question. I was doing my paper happily on the day of the exam, n when i completed the whole paper, i was glad that i have time to check my work. So i happily take my own sweet time to check, n when i tied the paper together, i found one question missing. Y? I've missed out on that one. It's 10 marks somemore... It's like ONE GRADE down. Argh~.. I was pissed. I was damn sad then. I cried after i got home, n i even gave up hope on my physics.. But not for long. I kinda tried to get up after the fall, n continue to study for the next few papers then. I'm not satisfied with my result.. but i dare not voice it out VERY loud to my peers. My tutors were surprised that i did not get A too. Sigh~.. I'm sad.. but kinda glad still that i could go university. I'm so proud to be e first person who go uni in my dad's n mum's family. Hmm.. currently choosing course i want to take in uni. Thought of going NUS.. n i just read a booklet on science courses offered by NUS. E thing that interest me is computational science. "the Department has been committed to training students to tackle scientific problems in many scientific fields by exploiting the capability of computer hardware and software". That's what i've extracted from the booklet. Sounds cool..n not that boring. Hee~.. Still thinking about studying engineering.. but maybe i'll not place it at e first choice. Hmm.. i still don't know whether there'll be alot of choices available or whether student can only pick one to apply for. Sigh~. Pray hard my score would be able to make it. Guess i'll have to research on more courses instead of sticking to engineering only.hee~. Gd luck to all those out there, especially those in e same shoe as me, trying to pick a course. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() rEligIoN cOmEs fIrSt?!~~ mOnEy~~ dEpReSsIon~~ cOnFuSIoN~~ rEgReTs~~ bAcK tO dAy1~~ LiFe~~ gLiMpSe~~ aWaY frOm hOmE~~ hAnDs~~ |