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Sunday, February 08, 2004
Saw this word recently used on an illness from the jap anime, Onegai Teacher. Y do i constantly pick example from that particular anime? Because i just finished watching it, n i found lots of moral from it. For "withdrawn" or think, teitai" (are those refering to the same thing? I'm not sure actually. Need some correction from those that watch that anime), which very very few people had, it's avoiding your troubles. Again, i don't know whether i am right here, but i somehow got that idea towards the end of the show. When u withdrawn, u escape into another infinity realm. U could simply just avoid your problems n troubles there. In real life, u'll be sleeping, but not breathing. To try n stop the illness from attacking, what u can do is TRY to move forward. Don't avoid, n don't escape. Face your troubles n problems as it is. The definition i got from dictionary.com is "Not friendly or sociable; aloof. Emotionally unresponsive and detached; introverted." Emotionally detached.. this sounds kinda true to describe a friend's friend of mine who is quiet unless questions are asked, who live in his own world, who attend church for e sake of attending N nothing else. I was wondering, y would such withdrawal happen? It's not really some "problem-child" problem.. maybe it's not even a problem. Maybe it's just a habit. Maybe it's got to do with the thinking, or maybe "attitude problem". Guess it'll be tough to get any comments here.. but anyway, shall end here~! ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() 1. To find a husband for Laffy 2. 3. To reach 58kg 4. To go holiday this year with darling 5. Wanna learn the piano, or organ at least? 6. To serve in church ![]() Benedict~~ Charlene~~ Charmain~~ Charis~~ Christine~~ Dew~~ Eileen~~ Fang Hui~~ Grace~~ Huiling~~ Jiahui~~ Jieshi~~ Jilline~~ Jun~~ Kaijing~~ Kaixin~~ Lim Yixin~~ Olive~~ Piao^yun~~ Ruiqi~~ Shirley~~ siewkim~~ Sihui~~ Sumin~~ Tingting~~ xiuling~~ yan~~ yiwei~~ ![]() ![]() e pRoCeSs~~ mORnInG rUn~~ loOkS mAtTeR?!~~ a dIrEcT aPpRoAcH~~ sPiRit iN e sKy Gareth vS cRuSh~~ aNaLysIs oF mY cHaRaCtEr~~ iN lUv oR nOt? mAtUrItY~~ oRiGiNaLiTy~~ |